SPIARS Engineering

A Christian-led Company


Project: Windsong Ranch Masterplan Community

Windsong Ranch is an award-winning, master-planned community in the Town of Prosper, Denton County, Texas. The project covers over 2,200 acres. 

Project Features

  • Entitlement for 3,500 single family lots
  • Commercial and retail development
  • Five school sites for Prosper I.S.D. – three elementary schools, one middle school and one high school
  •  Townhome and multi-family development
  •  Three 7.5-acre neighborhood parks
  •  Three amenity centers, including the recently developed Crystal Lagoon
  • A 50-acre community park dedicated to the Town of Prosper
  •  Over 600 acres of open space
  •  Over 30 miles of hike and bike trails
  •  A dog park
  •  A regulation disc golf course
  •  A mountain biking course
  •  A community garden
  •  Amenitized water features and lakes throughout
  •  Ten high quality builders with more being added

SPIARS has been involved with this project since the initial stages of due diligence in 2006. We built a team of best in class consultants that continue to work on the project today. Our team includes TBG Partners (TBG) for land planning and landscape architecture; Cardinal Strategies (CS) for H&H consulting; and Integrated Environmental Solutions (IES) for wetlands and environmental consulting.

Project Overview

Key Professionals:

Matt Dorsett, PE (PIC/PM), Ryan Hartman, PE (DE),

Colton Smith, PE (DE), Darren Brown, RPLS (PS)

Residential Development

Roadway Design


Sanitary Sewer



"Windsong Ranch is a marquee project for us. Everyone who develops in Dallas knows about it and views the project as a standard for excellence."

– Matt Dorsett, P.E., SPIARS Engineering

Noteworthy Activities

  • Facilitated annexation, developers’ agreements and zoning through the Town of Prosper. Developed planned development regulations for the master plan.
  • Developed standards for street trees that allowed for implementation of this design element for the first time in Prosper.
  • Developed a land management plan required to decommission the then existing Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) known as Mahard Egg Farm. Worked with a team to get permit approval through various state and federal agencies.
  • Facilitated the sewer service agreement between the Town and Upper Trinity Regional Water District which provides for sewer service to the west side of Prosper, including Windsong.
  • Provided full engineering and surveying services required to construct the Westside Utilities Project – including 25,000 LF of large diameter water line and 15,000 LF of large diameter sanitary sewer line – that opened up development of the town west of the Dallas North Tollway. This project included permitting through the BNSF railroad, the North Texas Tollway Authority and TxDOT.
  • Assisted with formation of the Windsong Ranch Municipal Management District.
  • Provided civil engineering and surveying services for every phase of residential development to date, including boundary and topographic surveys; cost estimates; platting; engineering design; construction administration; and construction staking.
  • Received approval for an Individual Permit from the USACE for the entire master plan; worked with IES to minimize impacts and to develop a mitigation plan.
  • Prepared flood study for the Doe Branch basin that demonstrated detention for the western portions of Prosper was not required. This resulted in the town waiving detention requirements for the basin and an ILA between Prosper and Little Elm to this end.
  • Worked with CS to provide topographic survey data and exhibits required to successfully process numerous LOMRs.
  • Funding was provided through a developer’s agreement between the Town, the EDC and various landowners.